Interest Owners

When a well begins producing oil or gas, each interest owner in the well typically receives a division order.  An exception may be a subsequent well or wells in a unit or integrated section.  A division order is an instrument between the payor of production proceeds and the owner of an interest in a property.  The division order package will include:

  • Property name
  • Property number
  • Description of the property
  • Decimal interest owned in the property

I.R.S. W-9 Form

Direct Deposit Form

Requirements for Transferring Ownership and Affidavit of Heirship Form

Address Updates

To update an address, the owner must submit the request in writing. Please fill out the I.R.S. W-9 Form and either email it to Division Orders or mail it to the address below.  Please make sure to include the owner’s name, owner number, contact number, and current address on all correspondence.

Ownership Changes

During the life of a well, there may be a need to update ownership records. This could be due to several types of transactions or occurrences such as sale of the property or mineral interests therein, or the death of an owner. In order for Silver Creek to update our records to reflect the most current ownership, it is the duty of the mineral owner to provide the appropriate instrument reflecting the change in ownership. The instrument must be recorded in the real property records of the county or parish in which the well is located.  For additional information and instructions please see the Requirements for Transferring Ownership and Affidavit of Heirship Form

All Owner correspondence to be mailed to the address listed below or via email to Division Orders

Silver Creek Oil & Gas, LLC
Attn: Division Orders
2201 Spinks Road, Suite 155
Flower Mound, TX 75022
(469) 499-0868 (direct)